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Re: Email Hack: Help.

Sorry about this guys, I didn't post this message. I thought maybe the 
www list was repeated somehow (?). I've been on vacation since last Wed. 


On Fri, 5 Jul 1996, Bruce M. wrote:

> On Mon, 24 Jun 1996, David W. Morris wrote:
> > You'll probably get a better reply but in case you don't, you want
> > to get in contact with the 'cert' folks.  They publish bulletins on
> > network hacking exposures, investigate, etc. I'm not sure exactly
> > how you approach them, but I found a bunch of good starting points
> > by using www.altavista.digital.com to search for 'cert.org'.
>     This is directed to Doug, BTW.  Why did you post about your problem 
> in this mailing list after you had already posted and received many 
> answers in the other ("other" because I don't remember which one it was) 
> list you asked in just a week or so ago?  You were told that basically 
> your only option was to try to track the person down as they weren't even 
> connecting to your system to spoof the mail.  Did you even bother to read 
> the responses?
>                     Bruce M. * brucem@feist.com
>         ~---------------------------------------------------~
>         "Knowledge enormous makes a god of me." -- John Keats
